Deprecated: Function create_function() is deprecated in /home/bluekitc/public_html/ on line 456

Main.Win32 History

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Deprecated: Function create_function() is deprecated in /home/bluekitc/public_html/ on line 456
November 23, 2008, at 11:51 PM by -
Changed line 32 from:
  • ./configure delivers mixed paths: unix / windows style. this causes problems
  • ./configure delivers mixed paths: unix / windows style. at least, the windows backslash has to be escaped to \\
November 23, 2008, at 11:27 PM by -
Changed line 34 from:
  1. libxineJNI depends on xine. this is should not be the case.
  1. libxineJNI depends on xine. this is should not be the case.
November 23, 2008, at 11:27 PM by -
Changed line 34 from:
  • libxineJNI depends on xine. this is should not be the case.
  1. libxineJNI depends on xine. this is should not be the case.
November 19, 2008, at 08:23 PM by -
Changed lines 40-43 from:
  • canvas.handle already provides the needed HWND
  • add windows platform to org.libxine.SWTCanvas
  • add C code for windows activate/deactivate
November 19, 2008, at 08:17 PM by -
Added lines 41-47:
  1. Make libxine-java relocatable -- BinaryDistribution
    • Distribution folder contains
      • libxine.jar
      • libxineJNI.dll
      • libxineAWT.dll
      • xine library.
Changed lines 59-61 from:
  1. Make libxine-java relocatable
    • Distribution folder that contains libxine.jar also contains libxineJNI.dll and libxineAWT.dll. It als also contains the xine libraries.
November 19, 2008, at 08:15 PM by -
Changed lines 13-15 from:
  1. DONE: Windows windowing system
  1. DONE: Audio playback working
  2. DONE: Video output on Windows
Changed lines 17-18 from:
  • DirectX driver now supports XINE_GUI_SEND_DRAWABLE_CHANGED.
  • DirectX driver now supports XINE_GUI_SEND_DRAWABLE_CHANGED. video output is send to offscreen window. later video is put into Java AWT or SWT canvas.
  • With the support for XINE_GUI_SEND_DRAWABLE_CHANGED, a prototype is already working.
  • Non-HW accelerated video works
  1. Fix video overlay handling somehow
    • With HW-accelerated video, the windows desktop is not refreshed in time, leaving large black areas e.g. after switching to fullscreen and back.
Deleted lines 38-44:
  1. DONE: Audio playback working
  2. DONE: Alpha Windows video support for AWT
    • With the support for XINE_GUI_SEND_DRAWABLE_CHANGED, a prototype is already working. For non hw accelerated video, this looks fine. With hw accelerated video, the windows desktop is not refreshed in time, leaving large black areas e.g. after switching to fullscreen and back.
  3. Fix video overlay handling somehow
November 19, 2008, at 05:58 PM by -
Added lines 37-38:
  1. Fix video overlay handling somehow
November 19, 2008, at 05:56 PM by -
Changed lines 15-18 from:
  • tutorial on writing Windows apps
  • Create "xine canvas" pop-up window
  • Place xine canvas inside normal window and let it show/hide on mouse click
  • DirectX driver now supports XINE_GUI_SEND_DRAWABLE_CHANGED.
Changed line 23 from:
  • ./configure CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/local/include LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/lib -ldvdcss" (-ldvdcss required by VLC's copy of dvdread)
  • ./configure CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/local/include LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/lib"
Deleted line 24:
  • ./configure fails as libdvdread requires libdvdcss, but libdvdcss is before libdvdread in command line and thus not found. Ignore for now.
Changed line 34 from:
  1. DONE: Add alpha Windows video support for AWT
  1. DONE: Alpha Windows video support for AWT
Changed lines 37-39 from:
  1. Set xine plugin path correctly
  1. Windows video support for SWT
  2. xine plugin path
Deleted lines 44-45:
  1. Add Windows video support for SWT
November 19, 2008, at 05:53 PM by -
Changed lines 8-16 from:

The  Minimal GNU for Windows should allow to just compile it.
A guide to compile ffmpeg, which is included in xine-lib, can be found here

  1. DONE: Audio playback on windows (using PulseAudio so far)
    Before starting with the Java integration, make sure that audio playback works on Windows using the audio-only muxine example: muxine-audio.c
  2. DONE: Play video on windows (using SDL so far)
    Create a minimal video player which runs on the command line: muxine-directx.c or muxine-sdl.c
November 19, 2008, at 05:52 PM by -
Changed lines 43-44 from:
  1. DONE: Audio playback working (after whacky hacks to get it compiled)!
  1. DONE: Audio playback working
  2. DONE: Add alpha Windows video support for AWT
    • With the support for XINE_GUI_SEND_DRAWABLE_CHANGED, a prototype is already working. For non hw accelerated video, this looks fine. With hw accelerated video, the windows desktop is not refreshed in time, leaving large black areas e.g. after switching to fullscreen and back.
Deleted line 53:
  1. Add Windows video support for AWT
November 05, 2008, at 12:40 AM by -
Changed line 34 from:
  1. Fix build system
  1. Fix build system for install into /usr/local/
Changed lines 59-61 from:
  1. Make libxine-java relocatable
    • Distribution folder that contains libxine.jar also contains libxineJNI.dll and libxineAWT.dll. It als also contains the xine libraries.
November 05, 2008, at 12:36 AM by -
Changed lines 38-39 from:
  • libxineJNI depends on xine. this is should not be the case
  • libxineJNI depends on xine. this is should not be the case.
  1. Loading of JNI libs
    • Java does not accept unix-style paths for JNI loading ("c:\\.." is needed for absolute paths)
    • Dependent libraries: jawt.dll or libxine.dll are not found when not in PATH
November 05, 2008, at 12:34 AM by -
Added lines 40-41:
  1. DONE: Audio playback working (after whacky hacks to get it compiled)!
Deleted line 47:
  1. Test audio playback
November 05, 2008, at 12:29 AM by -
Changed lines 36-39 from:
  • ./configure delivers mixed paths: unix / windows style. this causes problems
  • the linker on win32 does only check libs once. without libtool, the order of libs is important
  • libxineJNI depends on xine. this is should not be the case
November 04, 2008, at 11:53 PM by -
Changed lines 36-37 from:
  1. Test audio playback
Added lines 43-46:
  1. Test audio playback
  2. Add Windows video support for AWT
  3. Add Windows video support for SWT
Changed lines 52-54 from:
  1. Add Windows video support for AWT
  2. Add Windows video support for SWT
November 04, 2008, at 11:52 PM by -
Added line 35:
  • ./configure fails as libdvdread requires libdvdcss, but libdvdcss is before libdvdread in command line and thus not found. Ignore for now.
November 04, 2008, at 11:49 PM by -
Changed lines 31-33 from:
  •  SWIG binary
  • SWIG binary
  1. Configure
    • ./configure CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/local/include LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/lib -ldvdcss" (-ldvdcss required by VLC's copy of dvdread)
October 27, 2008, at 11:44 AM by -
Added lines 41-45:
  1. think about pluging catalog cache file
    • it uses xine_get_homedir()
    • maybe re-think xine_get_homedir() on windows
    • on unix/mac, homedir is user's home dir :)
October 27, 2008, at 11:40 AM by -
Added lines 35-40:
  1. Set xine plugin path correctly
    • in xine-engine/load_plugins.c:_x_scan_plugins
    • xine uses getenv("XINE_PLUGIN_PATH"), otherwise
    • xine_get_home_dir() returns path to executable on win32
    • libxine-java can set XINE_PLUGIN_PATH to path of libxine.dll (solves both installed/bundled version)
October 24, 2008, at 08:55 PM by -
Deleted line 29:
  • pkgconfig
October 24, 2008, at 09:46 AM by -
Changed lines 34-36 from:
  1. Integrate Windows video support into libxine-java
  1. Test audio playback
  1. Add Windows video support for AWT
  2. Add Windows video support for SWT
  3. Provide alpha version binaries
    1. See BinaryDistribution
    2. Replace absolute paths with relative stuff
    3. Try to find libxinejava.dll in same folder as libxine.jar
October 23, 2008, at 09:54 AM by -
Changed lines 24-31 from:
  • Create "xine canvas" child window which draws something
  • Let child window jump between two real windows
  • Drawing rectangle works, showing video does not
  • Create minimal win32 app which plays video
  • re-try "jumping child window"
    • place video in child window
    • place video in pop-up window and let it show/hide on click
  • Create "xine canvas" pop-up window
  • Place xine canvas inside normal window and let it show/hide on mouse click
October 23, 2008, at 12:20 AM by -
Changed lines 33-35 from:
  1. Install dvdread (or skip it in
  2. Install pkgconfig
  3. Install  SWIG binary
  1. Write script to download and install:
    • glib-2.0, pkg-config ( )
    • pkgconfig
    • dvdread
    •  SWIG binary
October 22, 2008, at 11:22 PM by -
Added line 34:
  1. Install pkgconfig
October 22, 2008, at 11:21 PM by -
Added line 33:
  1. Install dvdread (or skip it in
October 22, 2008, at 09:59 PM by -
Deleted lines 31-33:
  1. Windows JNI xine-lib proof-of-concept
    • Try quick hack to play video in AWT Canvas
October 22, 2008, at 09:58 PM by -
Changed lines 27-30 from:
  1. DONE: Create minimal win32 app which plays video
  2. Windows windowing system II
  • Create minimal win32 app which plays video
Changed lines 30-31 from:
  • place video in pop-up window and let it jump on click
  • place video in pop-up window and let it show/hide on click
October 22, 2008, at 09:08 PM by -
Deleted line 16:
Changed lines 32-34 from:
  • place video in child window
  • place video in pop-up window and let it jump on click
October 22, 2008, at 09:06 PM by -
Added lines 29-33:
  1. DONE: Create minimal win32 app which plays video
  2. Windows windowing system II
    • re-try "jumping child window"
Deleted lines 36-40:
  1. Create minimal win32 app which plays video
    • Strip down xine-win32 UI
  2. Or.. go back to xine-lib compile and get DirectX video output to work
October 22, 2008, at 11:26 AM by -
Changed lines 41-43 from:
  1. Cross compile libxine-java on Linux/OS X
  1. Integrate Windows video support into libxine-java
  2. Support cross compiling libxine-java on Linux/OS X using mingw32
Changed lines 46-50 from:
  1. Try audio playback using libxine-java
  2. Integrate Windows video support into libxine-java
October 22, 2008, at 11:25 AM by -
Added lines 29-31:
  1. Windows JNI xine-lib proof-of-concept
    • Try quick hack to play video in AWT Canvas
October 22, 2008, at 11:04 AM by -
Changed lines 27-28 from:
  • Strip down xine-win32 UI to get minimal win32 app which plays videos.
  • Drawing rectangle works, showing video does not
  1. Create minimal win32 app which plays video
    • Strip down xine-win32 UI
October 21, 2008, at 01:08 AM by -
Changed lines 27-30 from:
  • Try to integrate xine SDL output. -> Don't work. Event handling of SDL and window app probably mixed up. Hard to debug. :(
  1. Go back to xine-lib compile and get DirectX output to work
  • Strip down xine-win32 UI to get minimal win32 app which plays videos.
  1. Or.. go back to xine-lib compile and get DirectX video output to work
October 20, 2008, at 11:05 PM by -
Changed lines 20-21 from:
  • Example Code
  • Example Code
October 20, 2008, at 11:04 PM by -
Changed lines 18-23 from:
  1. Windows JNI
    • See Sun's JAWT example for Windows JAWT access
    • Create child/pop-up window in JNI
    • Let it jump between two parent Canvas object
  2. Windows windowing system
  1. DONE: Windows JNI
    • Follow Sun's JAWT example for Windows JAWT access
    • Example Code
  2. DONE: Windows windowing system
Changed lines 25-29 from:
  • Create child/pop-up window for SDL
  • Place SDL window into regular one
  • Move SDL window into other one
  • Create "xine canvas" child window which draws something
  • Let child window jump between two real windows
  • Try to integrate xine SDL output. -> Don't work. Event handling of SDL and window app probably mixed up. Hard to debug. :(
  1. Go back to xine-lib compile and get DirectX output to work
October 20, 2008, at 08:31 PM by -
Changed lines 12-13 from:

Before starting with the Java integration, make sure that audio playback works on windows using the audio-only muxine example: muxine-audio.c


Before starting with the Java integration, make sure that audio playback works on Windows using the audio-only muxine example: muxine-audio.c

October 20, 2008, at 07:48 PM by -
Added lines 18-22:
  1. Windows JNI
    • See Sun's JAWT example for Windows JAWT access
    • Create child/pop-up window in JNI
    • Let it jump between two parent Canvas object
Changed lines 30-34 from:
  1. Windows JNI
    • See Sun's JAWT example for Windows JAWT access
    • Create child/pop-up window in JNI
    • Let it jump between two parent Canvas object
October 20, 2008, at 12:33 PM by -
Changed lines 3-4 from:

Ok. Here's the master plan. libxine-java on windows first requires xine-lib for windows. :)


Ok. Here's the master plan. libxine-java on Windows first requires xine-lib for Windows. :)

Changed line 7 from:
  1. DONE: Compile xine-lib for windows \\
  1. DONE: Compile xine-lib for Windows \\
Changed lines 15-18 from:

We need to create a minimal video player which runs on the command line: muxine-directx.c or muxine-sdl.c

  1. win32 windowing system

Create a minimal video player which runs on the command line: muxine-directx.c or muxine-sdl.c

  1. Windows windowing system
Changed line 26 from:
  • See Sun's JAWT example for window JAWT access
  • See Sun's JAWT example for Windows JAWT access
Changed line 30 from:
  1. Get libxine-java to compile on windows
  1. Get libxine-java to compile on Windows
Changed lines 32-34 from:
  1. Does SWIG work there? Alternatively, SWIG might be run on a unix-system.
  2. Anything to fix in the build system ?
  1. Fix build system
Changed lines 39-41 from:
  1. Integrate windows video support into libxine-java
  1. Integrate Windows video support into libxine-java
October 20, 2008, at 12:19 PM by -
Added lines 35-37:
  1. Cross compile libxine-java on Linux/OS X
    1. See Cross compiling JLVC for win32
October 18, 2008, at 12:10 PM by -
Changed lines 1-2 from:

libxine-java port for Windows


libxine-java Windows port

October 18, 2008, at 12:09 PM by -
Changed line 7 from:
  1. DONE: Compile xine-lib for windows \\
Changed line 11 from:
  1. Audio playback on windows \\
  1. DONE: Audio playback on windows (using PulseAudio so far)\\
Changed line 14 from:
  1. Play video on windows \\
  1. DONE: Play video on windows (using SDL so far) \\
Changed lines 16-17 from:

A tutorial on writing Windows apps might help.

  1. win32 windowing system
    • SDL cannot change output window at runtime.
    • tutorial on writing Windows apps
    • Create child/pop-up window for SDL
    • Place SDL window into regular one
    • Move SDL window into other one
  2. Windows JNI
    • See Sun's JAWT example for window JAWT access
    • Create child/pop-up window in JNI
    • Let it jump between two parent Canvas object
October 17, 2008, at 05:55 PM by -
Added lines 14-17:
  1. Play video on windows
    We need to create a minimal video player which runs on the command line: muxine-directx.c or muxine-sdl.c
    A tutorial on writing Windows apps might help.
Deleted lines 24-27:
  1. Play video on windows
    We need to create a minimal video player which runs on the command line: muxine-win32.c
    A  tutorial on writing Windows apps should help.
October 17, 2008, at 05:54 PM by -
October 17, 2008, at 05:54 PM by -
Changed lines 9-10 from:

A guide to compile ffmpeg, which is included in xine-lib, can be found here


A guide to compile ffmpeg, which is included in xine-lib, can be found here

Changed lines 3-4 from:

Ok. Here's the master plan. libxine-java on windows first requires xine-lib for windows. :)


Ok. Here's the master plan. libxine-java on windows first requires xine-lib for windows. :)

Changed line 7 from:
  1. Compile xine-lib for windows \\
Changed lines 3-4 from:

libxine-java on windows first requires xine-lib on windows. :)


Ok. Here's the master plan. libxine-java on windows first requires xine-lib for windows. :)

Changed line 7 from:
  1. compile xine-lib for windows \\
  1. Compile xine-lib for windows \\
Changed line 11 from:
  1. audio playback on windows \\
  1. Audio playback on windows \\
Changed line 8 from:

The  Minimal GNU for Windows should allow to just compile it similar as under linux. \\


The  Minimal GNU for Windows should allow to just compile it. \\

Changed lines 14-20 from:
  1. get libxine-java to compile on windows
    1. does SWIG work under Windows?
    2. anything to fix in the build system ?
  2. try audio playback using libxine-java
  3. play video on windows \\
  1. Get libxine-java to compile on windows
    1. Install  SWIG binary
    2. Does SWIG work there? Alternatively, SWIG might be run on a unix-system.
    3. Anything to fix in the build system ?
  2. Try audio playback using libxine-java
  3. Play video on windows \\
Changed lines 25-27 from:
  1. integrate windows video support into libxine-java
  1. Integrate windows video support into libxine-java
Changed lines 12-13 from:

Before starting with the Java integration, make sure that audio playback works on windows using a minimal xine app.


Before starting with the Java integration, make sure that audio playback works on windows using the audio-only muxine example: muxine-audio.c

Changed lines 21-23 from:

We need to create a minimal video player which runs on the command line: muxine-win32.c


We need to create a minimal video player which runs on the command line: muxine-win32.c
A  tutorial on writing Windows apps should help.

Changed line 20 from:
  1. play vidoe on windows \\
  1. play video on windows \\
Added lines 1-25:

libxine-java port for Windows

libxine-java on windows first requires xine-lib on windows. :)


  1. compile xine-lib for windows
    The  Minimal GNU for Windows should allow to just compile it similar as under linux.
    A guide to compile ffmpeg, which is included in xine-lib, can be found here
  2. audio playback on windows
    Before starting with the Java integration, make sure that audio playback works on windows using a minimal xine app.
  3. get libxine-java to compile on windows
    1. does SWIG work under Windows?
    2. anything to fix in the build system ?
  4. try audio playback using libxine-java
  5. play vidoe on windows
    We need to create a minimal video player which runs on the command line: muxine-win32.c
  6. integrate windows video support into libxine-java